Howdy, fellow connoisseurs of the surf!

I'm Ty Peterson, a California native who followed my passion for cold water surfing all the way to the picturesque shores of Oregon in 2022. Along my journey through chilly Pacific waters, I discovered a deep-seated love for the art of surfboard shaping. This newfound fascination led me to embark on an exciting venture in 2023, and that's when "ORCA Surfboards" was born.

The name ORCA, which blends the abbreviations of Oregon and California, pays homage to my roots in Huntington Beach, California, and my current home in the rugged surf terrain of the Pacific Northwest. This fusion of coastal influences is at the heart of what we do at ORCA Surfboards.

Our mission is simple yet profound: we're dedicated to crafting high-quality, hand-shaped surfboards that not only perform exceptionally in the water but also reflect the spirit of the surf culture that has inspired us. As a surfer myself, I understand the thrill of riding a perfectly shaped board, and that's exactly what we aim to deliver with every ORCA surfboard.

Join us on this exciting journey as we blend the surf traditions of two incredible coastal regions, forging a unique and unforgettable surfing experience. At ORCA Surfboards, we're committed to making waves, one board at a time, and sharing our passion for surfing with fellow adventurers like you. Welcome to the ORCA family, where the surf is as invigorating as the journey itself!

-Ty Peterson